
Forgiveness is one of the most powerful acts of love and compassion we can offer another person and ourselves. It means letting go of grudges, bad feelings, and resentments, and allowing yourself to move on and find peace. It also means understanding that everyone makes mistakes and that no one is perfect. Forgiveness is an essential part of being human and can lead to greater understanding and empathy.

Here are a few journal prompts to open our hearts and minds around forgiveness 🤍

  • How has forgiving someone else benefited me?

  • How have I had to forgive myself?

  • What experiences have taught me the importance of forgiveness?

  • What have I learned from the process of forgiveness?

  • What can I do to practice forgiveness in my daily life?

  • How can I make amends with someone I have wronged?

  • What can I do to forgive people who have hurt me?

  • What do I need to forgive myself for?

  • How can I move forward after forgiving someone?

  • What can I do to forgive and move on from past mistakes?

