1% Better

1% sounds really, really small. It feels very manageable right?

I’m all about breaking big ideas and goals that overwhelm me, into smaller, more obtainable goals.

I don’t know about you, but when I envision the person I want to be, and what I want to accomplish (ideally, quickly) I feel that familiar anxious energy start to creep up.

I want to share what truly works for me, and maybe it will resonate with you. I actually got this mindset from the Mindset Mentor (ironically) Podcast that I love. He has been speaking on this 1% concept for awhile now.

When I lay my head to rest at night, I want to be able to say to myself, “I am at least 1% better than the person I was yesterday.” That’s all.

That being said, when I wake up the next morning, all I have to do is take ONE action, ONE step toward the person I want to be and the goals I want to accomplish. I mean, how manageable does that sound?

And then once a month goes by, I just became 30% better. I am 30% closer to the goal I want to accomplish. Three months… I’m 90% there. It’s all about the ripple effect, and the journey towards that goal.

I know it sounds really redundant, but it’s redundant for a reason. “Enjoy the journey and the process towards your ideal self and your goals”. Because it’s the journey that builds you and makes you into that person, not the end result.

I hope you enjoyed this little blog (my fist blog post!). I have no expectations here, I just want to speak from the heart and hopefully it resonates with someone too. Xx

