Ahimsa: What You Consume

Ahimsa- non violence/ non harm.

What are you consuming through your eyes? Is the news you’re watching adding harm to you and your nervous system? Are the shows you’re watching adding meaning and love into your life? Are the social media accounts that you follow making you feel good about yourself and adding inspiration into your life?

If not, what can you do to fix this? What can you limit/stop/unfollow?




What are you consuming through the ears? Is the music you’re listening to adding love and positivity into your life? Or does it have belittling and harsh words? When you consume this, it stays in your body. Be particular to what music you listen to.

What can you do to fix this?




What are you consuming through the mouth? Are you eating nourishing, organic, and humane food? Or are you eating abstractly and not considering what you’re eating? What you eat creates the cells in your body! It make up YOU in the physical!

What can you do to make sure you are consuming life giving foods?




One step at a time. Don’t let this overwhelm you. Just take a small step at a time :)


Ahimsa: Who You Surround Yourself With


Ahimsa: Your Thoughts