Asteya: Present Moment

Asteya- non-stealing

“While this principle embodies the physical act of stealing, it also defines stealing on the energetic level and is sometimes defined as appropriate acquisition. Asteya is a refusal to take something that doesn’t belong to us, whether it’s tangible or not. It also means to never diminish the value of things other deem valuable”.

This also translates to theft of the present moment. We can steal the present moment from ourselves, and very often. We do this by reminiscing on the past, day-dreaming, or obsessive planning for the future. In a single day, how often are you truly immersed in the present moment? We steal this beautiful time from ourselves daily.

Today, how can you take time to be immersed in the present moment more?



-When I drink my coffee and eat my food, I will have no distractions and I will use all of my senses to be present and grateful during this time.

-Mindfully walking in nature

-Practicing yoga and being present by focusing on how my body and breath feels

-Being completely present in all interactions


Asteya: Yourself


Satya: Action